Travel Safety Tips during COVID-19

Travel Safety Tips during COVID-19

COVID-19 outbreak around the globe has created havoc amongst the citizens. This is the first time in a century that the world is facing such a pandemic which is now calling out for a worldwide lockdown to prevent any damages furthermore. Till now, more than 4, 10,000 cases have been reported worldwide out of which 18,000 plus people have lost their lives due to this pandemic. It is presumed that COVID-19 was originated in China…

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An Adventure Enthusiast Guide to the Himalayas!!

An Adventure Enthusiast Guide to the Himalayas!!

Majestic! The first word that strikes anybody when we talk about the Himalayas. This extensive range of mountains extends from Jammu& Kashmir on the brim of India till Assam and West Bengal on father ends. The natural grandeur of mountains has a wide array of activities to quench the adventure thirst of tourists. People from all over the world visit here for some thrilling experiences amidst the dramatic Himalayan range. From riding the waters to…

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Small Tips for Big Meetings

Small Tips for Big Meetings

Planning a Meeting is a big responsibility.  It should be a Perfect Meeting Room featuring exceptional facilities. Enjoy the experience and acquire the objectives. The considerations vary with size and here are small tips to conduct big meetings conveniently: Define goals Clarity is the main step to success. It teaches managers to do proper team-building, manages their staff and to have clear-cut goals so that the groups focus on each point. Meetings dragging for hours…

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India is the land of many religions. So many religious places of different religions to visit that it is impossible to keep the list. So it is better to have a visit specifically dedicated to visiting some spiritual places of a particular belief. One of the many religions in India is Sikhism. The holy places of Sikhs called Gurudwara are a blessing to go to. These will definitely be one of the most spiritual as…

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Places to visit – Indian Subcontinent!!

Places to visit – Indian Subcontinent!!

Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka – The very famous countries which comprise the Indian Subcontinent. Diversified is the only word to describe the tourism treasure of all the countries of the Indian Sub-continent. From cultural enriched places to the scenic beauty of India, proceeding to see the fluttering prayer flags of Nepal than to palm-fringed trees of Sri Lanka and finally give the icing to the cake with visiting island of Maldives for…

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Safety Tips While Traveling in India

Safety Tips While Traveling in India

Travelling can be the greatest thing you can ever do, especially when traveling to an exotic place like India. So many first time experiences can overwhelm you and sometimes make you a little careless, and in times like these, you have to remember some tips to be safe in India while traveling. 1. Don’t be alone at night Indian cities do have a great nightlife but even in those cities, there are areas where you…

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Most people think of visiting Himachal in summers and yes it tends to be pleasantly cooler than other places but if you are an adventurer, you should rethink this one. The mountains are in full glory in the winters when one can get the true sense of being in nature. Winter season can be said as the natural season for the hills, the anticipation of snow falling or the fun to just stand for a…

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Top Destinations in India to Witness Snowfall

Top Destinations in India to Witness Snowfall

Snowfall can still feel like otherworldly phenomenon if you have not lived all your whole life on a hill station. The beauty of seeing snow falling from up above is something that cannot be explained to anyone. It like most wholesome things in life can only be felt. So to feel this aspect of nature in all its glory, you can go to many places in India. 1. MANALI Manali, generally known with the name…

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Top 5 Places to take Hot Air Balloon Rides in India

Top 5 Places to take Hot Air Balloon Rides in India

It has always been a sort of fantasy and adventure for excursionists to ride in a hot air balloon. Flying high in a vibrant coloured giant hot air balloon has always topped our bucket list since childhood. It is a huge appeal of sighting wonderful scenery, places, and country from high above and in the open air. Floating in a basket and being carried across the skies, like an alien ship is what we all…

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Top 5 Places in India Every College Student Should Visit

Top 5 Places in India Every College Student Should Visit

College years turn out to be the best time of your life. This is usually because this is the best time to travel with your friends. You need not worry about getting permission from your parents and there is no boss who would deny any of your leave requests. And let’s not even go towards the coursework and attendance, we all know how that works, don’t we? So as long as one major issue is…

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