Do’s and Don’ts in the game of golf!! – Destinos India

Golf or otherwise popularly known as the precise game of life. This detailed game of club and balls is played for the lowest number of strokes by the individual. As much as I can say that it imitates life with it’s high and low strokes, it has its own set of underlying rules to play it right. As a beginner it can be an intimating game to play, however playing it with right guidance and rules, it can be a fun-filled affair.

Hence if your experienced golfer or beginning to dirty your hands in this game, here are few do’s and don’ts for you to look out for

The Do’s 


In the game itself:

  • Always begin in the practice range before hitting the course to get a heck of the game in low-pressure environment.
  • For a beginner always start with a professional instructor to get your swings right.
  • Focus on the grip of the clubs and keep your hips to play it right.
  • In order to mark your ball use a poker chip sized marker only
  • Proper warming up is also quite essential, usually around 30-40 minutes before teeing.
  • Make sure to take some loose swings as well.
  • Game should be more about short game and chipping
  • As far as posture is concerned, bring your lead shoulder under your chin on the backswing and finish with your face, chest and hips overlooking the target.


Dress can matter too:

  • Do wear glove and cap
  • Make sure to splurge into some proper golfing attire of polo neck t-shirts with right shoes for grip.


Code of conduct:

  • Always be aware of other golfers playing on the course.
  • Make sure you replace your divots on the green and rake the bunkers
  • Maintain silence when someone is making the hit
  • Keep check of the ball you are hitting and keep the flag near the hole right
  • Play in the right order.

If advising someone, make sure of:

  • Provide advise related to public information
  • It is okay to offer advice related to Rules of Golf
  • Advising on the line of put is fine.
  • Exchanging of information regarding clubs used in previous hits or holes.

The Don’ts


The game:

  • Do not keep your head down for hits.
  • Never jump direct into long iron and long shots.
  • As a beginner, do not be reckless to move from practice range to main course too early.
  • Warming up with every club is not required.
  • Do not be rigid while you standing for your hit.
  • Marking your scorecard on or by the green is what one should not do.
  • Through the hit, never bend your knees or stay footed.
  • Don’t play with old clubs or grip worn out balls.



  • Do not buy your set of equipments at the beginning.
  • No need to buy head covers for your irons.


Code of conduct:

  • Playing slow and holding up other players is not accepted.
  • Never throw your frustration of a bad shot on your clubs
  • Do not stand behind someone who is making a hit
  • Do not get discouraged by your shots as it can be combination of good as well as bad


If providing advice:

  • Never ask for the club a golfer played before playing your own shot
  • Advice regarding swing or stance is not allowed in the game.

In short, golf is a game of details. Hence as long as you’re  motivated and passionate about your game, it will do its wonders eventually

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